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  • LOL!
    did anyone else get

    did anyone else get that?..she just called him/her an egg!!
    ..right? egg?in sinhalese?
    well..i dont know…but i completely agree with you Y…if only there were more men like Nuwan Kulasekara!!…
    hes the sort of person youd feel completely comfortable with…
    -so good looking, like a male model!
    -but humble-i bet he doesnt know it!its almost impossibe to find a guy who isnt more in love with himself than you!
    -killer physique-*sizzle*ing
    -but hes got just the tiinyiest potbelly!Soooo adorable!!
    i want a clone of him to call MY MAN!
    ah and dont get me started on his eyes…all crinkly and shiny…*meltiinng*

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